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This API returns the metrics for the OpenSearch Dashboards server and usage stats. It allows the Metricbeat OpenSearch Dashboards module to collect the stats metricset.

By default, it returns the simplest level of stats; consisting of the OpenSearch Dashboards server's ops metrics, version, status, and basic config like the server name, host, port, and locale.

However, the information detailed above can be extended, with the combination of the following 3 query parameters:

Query Parameter Default value Description
extended false When true, it adds clusterUuid and usage. The latter contains the information reported by all the Usage Collectors registered in the OpenSearch Dashboards server. It may throw 503 Stats not ready if any of the collectors is not fully initialized yet.
legacy false By default, when extended=true, the key names of the data in usage are transformed into API-friendlier snake_case format (i.e.: clusterUuid is transformed to cluster_uuid). When this parameter is true, the data is returned as-is.
exclude_usage false When true, and extended=true, it will report clusterUuid but no usage.

Known use cases

Metricbeat OpenSearch Dashboards's stats metricset uses this API to collect the metrics (every 10s) and usage (only once every 24h), and then reports them to the Monitoring cluster. They call this API in 2 ways:

  1. Metrics-only collection (every 10 seconds): GET /api/stats?extended=true&legacy=true&exclude_usage=true
  2. Metrics+usage (every 24 hours): GET /api/stats?extended=true&legacy=true&exclude_usage=false