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OpenSearch Dashboards Telemetry Service

Telemetry allows OpenSearch Dashboards features to have usage tracked in the wild. The general term "telemetry" refers to multiple things:

  1. Integrating with the telemetry service to express how to collect usage data (Collecting).
  2. Sending a payload of usage data up to OpenSearch's telemetry cluster.
  3. Viewing usage data in the OpenSearchDashboards instance of the telemetry cluster (Viewing).

This plugin is responsible for sending usage data to the telemetry cluster. For collecting usage data, use the usageCollection plugin

Telemetry Plugin public API


The setup function exposes the following interface:

  • getTelemetryUrl: () => Promise<URL>: An async function that resolves into the telemetry Url used to send telemetry. The url is wrapped with node's URL constructor. Here is an example on how to grab the url origin: const telemetryUrl = await getTelemetryUrl(); > telemetryUrl.origin; // '' Note that the telemetry URL is a opensearch_dashboards.yml configuration hence it is recommended to call the getTelemetryUrl everytime before using the actual url.


The start function exposes the following interface:

  • async getIsOptedIn(): Promise<boolean>: An async function that resolves into true if the user has opted into send OpenSearch usage data. Resolves to false if the user explicitly opted out of sending usage data to OpenSearch or did not choose to opt-in or out yet after a minor or major upgrade (only when previously opted out).


To use the exposed plugin start and setup contracts:

  1. Make sure telemetry is in your optionalPlugins in the opensearch_dashboards.json file:
// <plugin>/opensearch_dashboards.json
"id": "...",
"optionalPlugins": ["telemetry"]
  1. Use the exposed contracts:
// <plugin>/server/plugin.ts

import { TelemetryPluginsStart } from '../telemetry/server`;

interface MyPlyginStartDeps {
  telemetry?: TelemetryPluginsStart;

class MyPlugin {
  public async start(
    core: CoreStart,
    { telemetry }: MyPlyginStartDeps
  ) {
    const isOptedIn = await telemetry?.getIsOptedIn();