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Chrome Service

About :

  • Signature - export interface ChromeStart The chrome service is a high level UI service that is part of CoreStart (Core services exposed to the Plugin start lifecycle) and offers other plugins a way to add navigation controls to the UI, edit the document title, manipuate navlinks on global header as well as edit the recent accessed tab. It consists of these sub-services/components.

  • NavControlsService : for registering new controls to be displayed in the navigation bar.

  • NavLinksService : for manipulating nav links.
  • RecentlyAccessedService : for recently accessed history.
  • DocTitleService: for accessing and updating the document title
  • UI : All the UI components,icons e.g. header, loaders.

  • How to access ? add in interface chrome: ChromeStart && chrome.servicesName => e.g chrome.docTitle.method

  • Where it is getting Registered/Executed ? Staring Point
  • How header component is getting rendered ? const chromeUi = chrome.getHeaderComponent();
  • Chrome Methods See chrome interface/methods
  • Interface : ChromeNavControls
  • Signature - navControls: ChromeNavControls
  • Registering new controller

Example : Register a left-side nav control rendered with React.

  mount(targetDomElement) {
    ReactDOM.mount(<MyControl />, targetDomElement);
    return () => ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(targetDomElement);
  • Interface : ChromeNavLinks
  • Signature - navLinks: ChromeNavLinks
  • e.g. Method :

Get an observable for a sorted list of navlinks :-

getNavLinks$(): Observable<Array<Readonly<ChromeNavLink>>>

Get the state of a navlink at this point in time :-

get(id: string): ChromeNavLink | undefined

Get the current state of all navlinks :-

getAll(): Array<Readonly<ChromeNavLink>>

Check whether or not a navlink exists :-

has(id: string): boolean

Remove all navlinks except the one matching the given id :- showOnly(id: string): void

  • How to access ###### Get the current state of all navlinks:

###### Get the state of a navlink at this point in time:

RecentlyAccessedService :

  • Interface : ChromeRecentlyAccessed
  • Signature : recentlyAccessed: ChromeRecentlyAccessed
  • The Recently viewed items are stored in the browser's local storage.
  • You can go back to the recent search/visualization/dashboard , each item has (link,label,id)
  • Methods :

Adds a new item to the recently accessed history :-

add(link: string, label: string, id: string): void

Gets an Array of the current recently accessed history :-

get(): ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem[]

Gets an Observable of the array of recently accessed history :-

get$(): Observable<ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem[]>

  • How to access ###### Adds a new item to the recently accessed history : chrome.recentlyAccessed.add('/app/map/1234', 'Map 1234', '1234'); ###### Gets an Array of the current recently accessed history : chrome.recentlyAccessed.get().forEach(console.log);;

DocTitleService :

  • Interface : ChromeDocTitle
  • Signature - docTitle: ChromeDocTitle ###### - How to change the title of the document

ts chrome.docTitle.change('My application title') chrome.docTitle.change(['My application', 'My section'])

UI :

consists of tsx/scss files && renders UI components from css Library e.g <Progress props={props}>
Adding/overriding existing css :
  • Create scss file and define class e.g .osdCustomClass{}
  • pass className prop to UI component. e.g <HeaderBreadcrumbs className="osdCustomClass"/>
UI Components :
  • HeaderBreadcrumbs : Props

  • responsive:boolean Hides extra (above the max) breadcrumbs under a collapsed item as the window gets smaller.

  • max: Collapses the inner items past the maximum set here into a single ellipses item.
  • breadcrumbs : The array of individual Breadcrumb items