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Development certificates

OpenSearch Dashboards includes several development certificates to enable easy setup of TLS-encrypted communications with OpenSearch.

Note: these certificates should never be used in production.

Certificate information

Certificates and keys are provided in multiple formats. These can be used by other packages to set up a new OpenSearch Stack with OpenSearch Dashboards and OpenSearch. The Certificate Authority (CA) private key is intentionally omitted from this package.


  • ca.crt -- A PEM-formatted X.509 certificate that is used as a CA.
  • opensearch.crt -- A PEM-formatted X.509 certificate and public key for OpenSearch.
  • opensearch.key -- A PEM-formatted PKCS #1 private key for OpenSearch.
  • opensearch_dashboards.crt -- A PEM-formatted X.509 certificate and public key for OpenSearch Dashboards.
  • opensearch_dashboards.key -- A PEM-formatted PKCS #1 private key for OpenSearch Dashboards.

PKCS #12

  • opensearch.p12 -- A PKCS #12 encrypted key store / trust store that contains ca.crt, opensearch.crt, and a PKCS #8 encrypted version of opensearch.key.
  • opensearch_dashboards.p12 -- A PKCS #12 encrypted key store / trust store that contains ca.crt, opensearch_dashboards.crt, and a PKCS #8 encrypted version of opensearch_dashboards.key.

The password used for both of these is "storepass". Other copies are also provided for testing purposes:

  • opensearch_emptypassword.p12 -- The same PKCS #12 key store, encrypted with an empty password.
  • opensearch_nopassword.p12 -- The same PKCS #12 key store, not encrypted with a password.

Certificate generation

OpenSearch Self-signed Certificates and OpenSSL were used to generate these certificates. The following commands were used from the root directory of OpenSearch:

# Generate the PKCS #12 keystore for a CA, valid for 50 years
bin/opensearch-certutil ca -days 18250 --pass castorepass

# Generate the PKCS #12 keystore for OpenSearch and sign it with the CA
bin/opensearch-certutil cert -days 18250 --ca opensearch-stack-ca.p12 --ca-pass castorepass --name opensearch --dns localhost --pass storepass

# Generate the PKCS #12 keystore for OpenSearch Dashboards and sign it with the CA
bin/opensearch-certutil cert -days 18250 --ca opensearch-stack-ca.p12 --ca-pass castorepass --name opensearch-dashboards --dns localhost --pass storepass

# Copy the PKCS #12 keystore for OpenSearch with an empty password
openssl pkcs12 -in opensearch.p12 -nodes -passin pass:"storepass" -passout pass:"" | openssl pkcs12 -export -out opensearch_emptypassword.p12 -passout pass:""

# Manually create "opensearch_nopassword.p12" -- this can be done on macOS by importing the P12 key store into the Keychain and exporting it again

# Extract the PEM-formatted X.509 certificate for the CA
openssl pkcs12 -in opensearch.p12 -out ca.crt -cacerts -passin pass:"storepass" -passout pass:

# Extract the PEM-formatted PKCS #1 private key for OpenSearch
openssl pkcs12 -in opensearch.p12 -nocerts -passin pass:"storepass" -passout pass:"keypass" | openssl rsa -passin pass:keypass -out opensearch.key

# Extract the PEM-formatted X.509 certificate for OpenSearch
openssl pkcs12 -in opensearch.p12 -out opensearch.crt -clcerts -passin pass:"storepass" -passout pass:

# Extract the PEM-formatted PKCS #1 private key for OpenSearch Dashboards
openssl pkcs12 -in opensearch_dashboards.p12 -nocerts -passin pass:"storepass" -passout pass:"keypass" | openssl rsa -passin pass:keypass -out opensearch_dashboards.key

# Extract the PEM-formatted X.509 certificate for OpenSearch Dashboards
openssl pkcs12 -in opensearch_dashboards.p12 -out opensearch_dashboards.crt -clcerts -passin pass:"storepass" -passout pass: