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Opensearch dashboards.savedobjectstypemanagementdefinition

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SavedObjectsTypeManagementDefinition interface

Configuration options for the type's management section.


export interface SavedObjectsTypeManagementDefinition 


Property Type Description
defaultSearchField? string (Optional) The default search field to use for this type. Defaults to id.
getEditUrl? (savedObject: SavedObject<any>) => string (Optional) Function returning the url to use to redirect to the editing page of this object. If not defined, editing will not be allowed.
getInAppUrl? (savedObject: SavedObject<any>) => { path: string; uiCapabilitiesPath: string; } (Optional) Function returning the url to use to redirect to this object from the management section. If not defined, redirecting to the object will not be allowed.
getTitle? (savedObject: SavedObject<any>) => string (Optional) Function returning the title to display in the management table. If not defined, will use the object's type and id to generate a label.
icon? string (Optional) The eui icon name to display in the management table. If not defined, the default icon will be used.
importableAndExportable? boolean (Optional) Is the type importable or exportable. Defaults to false.