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Opensearch dashboards.savedobjectsexportoptions

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SavedObjectsExportOptions interface

Options controlling the export operation.


export interface SavedObjectsExportOptions 


Property Type Description
excludeExportDetails? boolean (Optional) flag to not append export details to the end of the export stream.
exportSizeLimit number the maximum number of objects to export.
includeReferencesDeep? boolean (Optional) flag to also include all related saved objects in the export stream.
namespace? string (Optional) optional namespace to override the namespace used by the savedObjectsClient.
objects? Array<{ id: string; type: string; }> (Optional) optional array of objects to export.
savedObjectsClient SavedObjectsClientContract an instance of the SavedObjectsClient.
search? string (Optional) optional query string to filter exported objects.
types? string[] (Optional) optional array of saved object types.