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Opensearch dashboards.savedobjectscreateoptions

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SavedObjectsCreateOptions interface


export interface SavedObjectsCreateOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 

Extends: SavedObjectsBaseOptions


Property Type Description
id? string (Optional) (not recommended) Specify an id for the document
initialNamespaces? string[] (Optional) Optional initial namespaces for the object to be created in. If this is defined, it will supersede the namespace ID that is in SavedObjectsCreateOptions.Note: this can only be used for multi-namespace object types.
migrationVersion? SavedObjectsMigrationVersion (Optional) Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When OpenSearch Dashboards starts up, OpenSearchDashboardsMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
originId? string (Optional) Optional ID of the original saved object, if this object's id was regenerated
overwrite? boolean (Optional) Overwrite existing documents (defaults to false)
references? SavedObjectReference[] (Optional)
refresh? MutatingOperationRefreshSetting (Optional) The OpenSearch Refresh setting for this operation
version? string (Optional) An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used in conjunction with overwrite for implementing optimistic concurrency control.