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Opensearch dashboards.opensearchdashboardsresponsefactory

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opensearchDashboardsResponseFactory variable

Set of helpers used to create OpenSearchDashboardsResponse to form HTTP response on an incoming request. Should be returned as a result of RequestHandler execution.


opensearchDashboardsResponseFactory: {
    custom: <T extends string | Error | Buffer | Stream | Record<string, any> | {
        message: string | Error;
        attributes?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
    } | undefined>(options: CustomHttpResponseOptions<T>) => OpenSearchDashboardsResponse<T>;
    badRequest: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => OpenSearchDashboardsResponse<ResponseError>;
    unauthorized: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => OpenSearchDashboardsResponse<ResponseError>;
    forbidden: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => OpenSearchDashboardsResponse<ResponseError>;
    notFound: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => OpenSearchDashboardsResponse<ResponseError>;
    conflict: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => OpenSearchDashboardsResponse<ResponseError>;
    internalError: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => OpenSearchDashboardsResponse<ResponseError>;
    customError: (options: CustomHttpResponseOptions<ResponseError>) => OpenSearchDashboardsResponse<ResponseError>;
    redirected: (options: RedirectResponseOptions) => OpenSearchDashboardsResponse<string | Buffer | Stream | Record<string, any>>;
    ok: (options?: HttpResponseOptions) => OpenSearchDashboardsResponse<string | Buffer | Stream | Record<string, any>>;
    accepted: (options?: HttpResponseOptions) => OpenSearchDashboardsResponse<string | Buffer | Stream | Record<string, any>>;
    noContent: (options?: HttpResponseOptions) => OpenSearchDashboardsResponse<undefined>;


  1. Successful response. Supported types of response body are: - undefined, no content to send. - string, send text - JSON, send JSON object, HTTP server will throw if given object is not valid (has circular references, for example) - Stream send data stream - Buffer send binary stream
return response.ok();
return response.ok({ body: 'ack' });
return response.ok({ body: { id: '1' } });
return response.ok({ body: Buffer.from(...) });

const stream = new Stream.PassThrough();
return res.ok({ body: stream });

HTTP headers are configurable via response factory parameter options HttpResponseOptions.

return response.ok({
  body: { id: '1' },
  headers: {
    'content-type': 'application/json'
  1. Redirection response. Redirection URL is configures via 'Location' header.
return response.redirected({
  body: 'The document has moved',
  headers: {
   location: '/new-url',
  1. Error response. You may pass an error message to the client, where error message can be: - string send message text - Error send the message text of given Error object. - { message: string | Error, attributes: {data: Record<string, any>, ...} } - send message text and attach additional error data.
return response.unauthorized({
  body: 'User has no access to the requested resource.',
  headers: {
    'WWW-Authenticate': 'challenge',
return response.badRequest();
return response.badRequest({ body: 'validation error' });

try {
  // ...
} catch(error){
  return response.badRequest({ body: error });

return response.badRequest({
   message: 'validation error',
   attributes: {
     requestBody: request.body,
     failedFields: validationResult

try {
  // ...
} catch(error) {
  return response.badRequest({
    body: error

  1. Custom response. ResponseFactory may not cover your use case, so you can use the custom function to customize the response.
return response.custom({
  body: 'ok',
  statusCode: 201,
  headers: {
    location: '/created-url'