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Configure enable/disable plugin using config yaml file

How to add new config to the {root}/config/opensearch-dashboards.yml file?

1. Add a commented out new config value in the opensearch_dashboards.yml file. Below is an example where I'm adding new flag to hide/show

wizard plugin.

# Set the value of this setting to true to start exploring wizard
# functionality in Visualization.
# wizard.enabled: true

Note that the yml config values are read as path to the plugin config schema file. In the above example, wizard is the Id of the plugin to which I'm introducing this new config value. The value should match the default, so that if a user uncomments the line, it will still have the default behavior.

2. Create a new config schema for the plugin. We should have this config file defined in the root folder of the plugin. For example, config.ts for wizard plugin is defined in the src/plugin/wizard/config.ts

import { schema, TypeOf } from '@osd/config-schema';

export const configSchema = schema.object({
  enabled: schema.boolean({ defaultValue: true }),

export type ConfigSchema = TypeOf<typeof configSchema>;

Every plugin by default has enabled true if not defined in the config schema. When defined in the config schema, the value for if plugin should be enabled is read from here. This config value is overriden, when we define the config value in opensearch_dashboards.yml.

3. Export the new config schema in the index.ts file of the plugin's server folder. This is required for plugin to read the properties to expose to client during plugin registration.

export const config: PluginConfigDescriptor<ConfigSchema> = {
  exposeToBrowser: {
    enabled: true,
  schema: configSchema,

We need to set exposeToBrowser true for the config property enabled which we have defined in the config schema. exposeToBrowser will allow the components in the public folder to get the value of the config but is still usable in the server components even without this setting.

4. Now we can use the config schema in the plugin.ts class constructor, inside public folder of the plugin.

import { ConfigSchema } from '../config';

constructor(public initializerContext PluginInitializerContext<ConfigSchema>) {}