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Opensearch dashboards.savedobjecttyperegistry

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SavedObjectTypeRegistry class

Registry holding information about all the registered saved object types.


export declare class SavedObjectTypeRegistry 


Method Modifiers Description
getAllTypes() Return all types currently registered, including the hidden ones.To only get the visible types (which is the most common use case), use getVisibleTypes instead.
getImportableAndExportableTypes() Return all types currently registered that are importable/exportable.
getIndex(type) Returns the indexPattern property for given type, or undefined if the type is not registered.
getType(type) Return the type definition for given type name.
getVisibleTypes() Returns all visible types.A visible type is a type that doesn't explicitly define hidden=true during registration.
isHidden(type) Returns the hidden property for given type, or false if the type is not registered.
isImportableAndExportable(type) Returns the management.importableAndExportable property for given type, or false if the type is not registered or does not define a management section.
isMultiNamespace(type) Returns whether the type is multi-namespace (shareable); resolves to false if the type is not registered
isNamespaceAgnostic(type) Returns whether the type is namespace-agnostic (global); resolves to false if the type is not registered
isSingleNamespace(type) Returns whether the type is single-namespace (isolated); resolves to true if the type is not registered
registerType(type) Register a type inside the registry. A type can only be registered once. subsequent calls with the same type name will throw an error.