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Opensearch dashboards.savedobjectsutils

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SavedObjectsUtils class


export declare class SavedObjectsUtils 


Property Modifiers Type Description
createEmptyFindResponse static <T>({ page, perPage, }: SavedObjectsFindOptions) => SavedObjectsFindResponse<T> Creates an empty response for a find operation. This is only intended to be used by saved objects client wrappers.
namespaceIdToString static (namespace?: string | undefined) => string Converts a given saved object namespace ID to its string representation. All namespace IDs have an identical string representation, with the exception of the undefined namespace ID (which has a namespace string of 'default').
namespaceStringToId static (namespace: string) => string | undefined Converts a given saved object namespace string to its ID representation. All namespace strings have an identical ID representation, with the exception of the 'default' namespace string (which has a namespace ID of undefined).