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Opensearch dashboards.savedobjectsimportretry

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SavedObjectsImportRetry interface

Describes a retry operation for importing a saved object.


export interface SavedObjectsImportRetry 


Property Type Description
createNewCopy? boolean (Optional) If createNewCopy is specified, the new object has a new (undefined) origin ID. This is only needed for the case where createNewCopies mode is disabled and ambiguous source conflicts are detected.
destinationId? string (Optional) The object ID that will be created or overwritten. If not specified, the id field will be used.
id string
ignoreMissingReferences? boolean (Optional) If ignoreMissingReferences is specified, reference validation will be skipped for this object.
overwrite boolean
replaceReferences Array<{ type: string; from: string; to: string; }>
type string