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Opensearch dashboards.savedobjectsfindoptions

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SavedObjectsFindOptions interface


export interface SavedObjectsFindOptions 


Property Type Description
defaultSearchOperator? 'AND' | 'OR' (Optional)
fields? string[] (Optional) An array of fields to include in the results
filter? string | KueryNode (Optional)
hasReference? { type: string; id: string; } (Optional)
namespaces? string[] (Optional)
page? number (Optional)
perPage? number (Optional)
preference? string (Optional) An optional OpenSearch preference value to be used for the query *
rootSearchFields? string[] (Optional) The fields to perform the parsed query against. Unlike the searchFields argument, these are expected to be root fields and will not be modified. If used in conjunction with searchFields, both are concatenated together.
search? string (Optional) Search documents using the OpenSearch Simple Query String syntax. See OpenSearch Simple Query String query argument for more information
searchFields? string[] (Optional) The fields to perform the parsed query against. See OpenSearch Simple Query String fields argument for more information
sortField? string (Optional)
sortOrder? string (Optional)
type string | string[]
typeToNamespacesMap? Map<string, string[] | undefined> (Optional) This map defines each type to search for, and the namespace(s) to search for the type in; this is only intended to be used by a saved object client wrapper. If this is defined, it supersedes the type and namespaces fields when building the OpenSearch query. Any types that are not included in this map will be excluded entirely. If a type is included but its value is undefined, the operation will search for that type in the Default namespace.