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Opensearch dashboards.savedobjectsbulkupdateobject

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SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject interface


export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject<T = unknown> extends Pick<SavedObjectsUpdateOptions, 'version' | 'references'> 

Extends: Pick<SavedObjectsUpdateOptions, 'version' | 'references'>


Property Type Description
attributes Partial<T> The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the attributes property.
id string The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same type
namespace? string (Optional) Optional namespace string to use when searching for this object. If this is defined, it will supersede the namespace ID that is in SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions.Note: the default namespace's string representation is 'default', and its ID representation is undefined.
type string The type of this Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types.