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Opensearch dashboards.opensearchconfig

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OpenSearchConfig class

Wrapper of config schema.


export declare class OpenSearchConfig 


Constructor Modifiers Description
(constructor)(rawConfig) Constructs a new instance of the OpenSearchConfig class


Property Modifiers Type Description
apiVersion string Version of the OpenSearch (1.1, 2.1 or main) client will be connecting to.
customHeaders OpenSearchConfigType['customHeaders'] Header names and values to send to OpenSearch with every request. These headers cannot be overwritten by client-side headers and aren't affected by requestHeadersWhitelist configuration.
healthCheckDelay Duration The interval between health check requests OpenSearch Dashboards sends to the OpenSearch.
hosts string[] Hosts that the client will connect to. If sniffing is enabled, this list will be used as seeds to discover the rest of your cluster.
ignoreVersionMismatch boolean Whether to allow opensearch-dashboards to connect to a non-compatible opensearch node.
logQueries boolean Specifies whether all queries to the client should be logged (status code, method, query etc.).
memoryCircuitBreaker OpenSearchConfigType['memoryCircuitBreaker'] Set of options to configure memory circuit breaker for query response. The maxPercentage field is to determine the threshold for maximum heap size for memory circuit breaker. By default the value is 1.0. The enabled field specifies whether the client should protect large response that can't fit into memory.
optimizedHealthcheckId? string (Optional) Specifies whether Dashboards should only query the local OpenSearch node when all nodes in the cluster have the same node attribute value
password? string (Optional) If OpenSearch is protected with basic authentication, this setting provides the password that the OpenSearch Dashboards server uses to perform its administrative functions.
pingTimeout Duration Timeout after which PING HTTP request will be aborted and retried.
requestHeadersWhitelist string[] List of OpenSearch Dashboards client-side headers to send to OpenSearch when request scoped cluster client is used. If this is an empty array then *no* client-side will be sent.
requestTimeout Duration Timeout after which HTTP request will be aborted and retried.
shardTimeout Duration Timeout for OpenSearch to wait for responses from shards. Set to 0 to disable.
sniffInterval false | Duration Interval to perform a sniff operation and make sure the list of nodes is complete. If false then sniffing is disabled.
sniffOnConnectionFault boolean Specifies whether the client should immediately sniff for a more current list of nodes when a connection dies.
sniffOnStart boolean Specifies whether the client should attempt to detect the rest of the cluster when it is first instantiated.
ssl Pick<SslConfigSchema, Exclude<keyof SslConfigSchema, 'certificateAuthorities' | 'keystore' | 'truststore'>> & { certificateAuthorities?: string[]; } Set of settings configure SSL connection between OpenSearch Dashboards and OpenSearch that are required when xpack.ssl.verification_mode in OpenSearch is set to either certificate or full.
username? string (Optional) If OpenSearch is protected with basic authentication, this setting provides the username that the OpenSearch Dashboards server uses to perform its administrative functions.