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Opensearch dashboards.icontextcontainer.registercontext

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IContextContainer.registerContext() method

Register a new context provider.


registerContext<TContextName extends keyof HandlerContextType<THandler>>(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, contextName: TContextName, provider: IContextProvider<THandler, TContextName>): this;


Parameter Type Description
pluginOpaqueId PluginOpaqueId The plugin opaque ID for the plugin that registers this context.
contextName TContextName The key of the TContext object this provider supplies the value for.
provider IContextProvider<THandler, TContextName> A IContextProvider to be called each time a new context is created.



The IContextContainer for method chaining.


The value (or resolved Promise value) returned by the provider function will be attached to the context object on the key specified by contextName.

Throws an exception if more than one provider is registered for the same contextName.