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Opensearch dashboards.httpservicesetup

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HttpServiceSetup interface

OpenSearch Dashboards HTTP Service provides own abstraction for work with HTTP stack. Plugins don't have direct access to hapi server and its primitives anymore. Moreover, plugins shouldn't rely on the fact that HTTP Service uses one or another library under the hood. This gives the platform flexibility to upgrade or changing our internal HTTP stack without breaking plugins. If the HTTP Service lacks functionality you need, we are happy to discuss and support your needs.


export interface HttpServiceSetup 


To handle an incoming request in your plugin you should: - Create a Router instance.

const router = httpSetup.createRouter();
  • Use @osd/config-schema package to create a schema to validate the request params, query, and body. Every incoming request will be validated against the created schema. If validation failed, the request is rejected with 400 status and Bad request error without calling the route's handler. To opt out of validating the request, specify false.
import { schema, TypeOf } from '@osd/config-schema';
const validate = {
  params: schema.object({
    id: schema.string(),
  • Declare a function to respond to incoming request. The function will receive request object containing request details: url, headers, matched route, as well as validated params, query, body. And response object instructing HTTP server to create HTTP response with information sent back to the client as the response body, headers, and HTTP status. Unlike, hapi route handler in the Legacy platform, any exception raised during the handler call will generate 500 Server error response and log error details for further investigation. See below for returning custom error responses.
const handler = async (context: RequestHandlerContext, request: OpenSearchDashboardsRequest, response: ResponseFactory) => {
  const data = await findObject(;
  // creates a command to respond with 'not found' error
  if (!data) return response.notFound();
  // creates a command to send found data to the client and set response headers
  return response.ok({
    body: data,
    headers: {
      'content-type': 'application/json'
  • Register route handler for GET request to 'path/{id}' path
import { schema, TypeOf } from '@osd/config-schema';
const router = httpSetup.createRouter();

const validate = {
  params: schema.object({
    id: schema.string(),

  path: 'path/{id}',
async (context, request, response) => {
  const data = await findObject(;
  if (!data) return response.notFound();
  return response.ok({
    body: data,
    headers: {
      'content-type': 'application/json'


Property Type Description
auth HttpAuth Auth status. See HttpAuth
basePath IBasePath Access or manipulate the OpenSearch Dashboards base path See IBasePath.
createCookieSessionStorageFactory <T>(cookieOptions: SessionStorageCookieOptions<T>) => Promise<SessionStorageFactory<T>> Creates cookie based session storage factory SessionStorageFactory
createRouter () => IRouter Provides ability to declare a handler function for a particular path and HTTP request method.
csp ICspConfig The CSP config used for OpenSearch Dashboards.
getServerInfo () => HttpServerInfo Provides common information about the running http server.
registerAuth (handler: AuthenticationHandler) => void To define custom authentication and/or authorization mechanism for incoming requests.
registerOnPostAuth (handler: OnPostAuthHandler) => void To define custom logic after Auth interceptor did make sure a user has access to the requested resource.
registerOnPreAuth (handler: OnPreAuthHandler) => void To define custom logic to perform for incoming requests before the Auth interceptor performs a check that user has access to requested resources.
registerOnPreResponse (handler: OnPreResponseHandler) => void To define custom logic to perform for the server response.
registerOnPreRouting (handler: OnPreRoutingHandler) => void To define custom logic to perform for incoming requests before server performs a route lookup.
registerRouteHandlerContext <T extends keyof RequestHandlerContext>(contextName: T, provider: RequestHandlerContextProvider<T>) => RequestHandlerContextContainer Register a context provider for a route handler.